Friday, 25 January 2013

Blackberry Enterprise Server Installation 5.0 for Exchange

Step-by-Step guide to install the Blackberry Enterprise Server for Microsoft Exchange

Verify you have completed the preinstallation tasks as per the Blackberry Enterprise Server Installation and Configuration Guide.

This installation process assumes that you want to install the Blackberry Configuration Database on a computer that is separate from the computer that is separate from the computer that hosts the Blackberry Enterprise Server.

This installation process installs all of the Blackberry Enterprise Server components on a single computer. In a production environment, you might choose to install some Blackberry Enterprise Server components on separate computers.

1. Log in to computer using a Windows account that has the proper permissions. This account runs the Blackberry Enterprise server services.
2. On the Blackberry Enterprise Server Installation media, double-click Setup.exe
3. In the Blackberry Enterprise Server Installation dialog box, click Continue Installation.
4. In the License agreement dialog box, perform the following actions:

In the User name field, type your user name
In the Organization field, type the name of your organization.
In the Country/Region drop-down list, click the name of your country or region.
In the License agreement section, read the license agreement
If you want to accept the license agreement, select I accept the terms in the license agreement.
5. Click Next
6. In the Setup type dialog box, select I would like the installation process to create a Blackberry Configuration Database.
7. Click Next
8. In the Setup options dialog box, in the Components section, select all of the check boxes for the Blackberry Enterprise Server components.
9. Click Next
10. In the Apache License dialog box, perform the following tasks:
Read the license agreement.
If you want to accept the license agreement, select I accept the terms in the license agreement.
11. Click Next
12. In the CPL license dialog box, perform the following tasks:
Read the license agreement
If you want to accept the license agreement, select I accept the terms in the license agreement.
13. Click Next

14. In the Preinstallation Checklist dialog box, read and verify the information. Click Next
15. In the Database options dialog box, select Use a Microsoft SQL Server database installed on another computer.
16. Click Next
17. In the Accounts and folders dialog box, perform the following actions:
In the Windows account information section, in the Password field, type the password for the windows account that you use to install the Blackberry Enterprise Server
In the Blackberry Enterprise Server section, in the Name field, type the name of the Blackberry Enterprise Server that you want the Blackberry Administration Service to display
18. Click Next
19. In the Summary dialog box, verify that the information is correct.
20. Click Install
21. Click Yes when the installation process requests that you restart the computer
22. After the computer restarts, log in to the computer using the windows account that you used in Step1
23. In the Database Information dialog box, perform the following actions:
In the Microsoft SQL Server name field, type the name of the database server that the Blackberry Enterprise Server can use
In the Blackberry configuration Database name field, type the name of the Blackberry Configuration Database.
24. Click Next
25. Click Yes when the installation process requests that you create a new database.
26. Click Ok when the installation process confirms that the database was created successfully.
27. In the Advanced database options dialog box, click Next to accept the default values.
28. In the CAL and SRP information dialog box, perform the following actions:
In the Key field, type the name of the Blackberry Client Access License key.
In the Host Name field, type the address for the Blackberry Infrastructure.
In the Port Number field, type the port number for the Blackberry Infrastructure.
To verify the connection to the Blackberry Infrastructure, click Verify
29. Click Next
30. In the Microsoft Exchange Server dialog box, perform the following actions:
In the Microsoft Exchange Server field, type the name of the Microsoft Exchange server.
In the Mailbox field, type the name of the administrator that has the appropriate permissions.
Click Check Name.
Click Apply.
Click Ok
31. In the Application extensibility settings dialog box, perform the following actions:
In the Pool name field, type an FQDN to create a Blackberry MDS Integration Service pool
In the Blackberry MDS Application Repository name field, type the name of the Blackberry MDS Integration Service Database.
Verify the default values for the port numbers.
In the Default administrator credentials field, in the Password and Confirm fields, type a password that you can use to manage and publish applications.
In the Default publisher credentials field, in the Password and Confirm fields, type a password that you can use to manage and publish applications.
32. Click Next
33. Click Yes when the installation process requests that you create a new database.
34. Click OK when the installation process confirms that the database was created successfully.
35. In the Monitoring service dialog box, if you want to use the same database server that the Blackberry Configuration Database uses, in the Database Name field, type the name of the Blackberry Monitoring Service database.
36. Click Next
37. Click Yes when the installation process requests that you create a new database.
38. Click OK when the installation process confirms that the database was created successfully.
39. In the instant messaging settings dialog box, perform the following actions:
In the Blackberry Collaboration Service drop-down list, click the name of the instant messaging system that you want to use.
In the Host field, type the host name of the instant messaging server.
In the port field, type the port number for the instant messaging server.
If applicable, select either HTTPS or HTTP
40. Click Next
41. In the Administration Settings dialog box, perform the following actions:
In the Pool Name field, type an FQDN that the setup application can use to create the Blackberrry Administration Service web address
In the New Password and Confirm password fields, type the password for the SSL certificate that the Blackberry Administration Service uses for authentication with browsers.
42. Click Next
43. In the LDAP settings dialog box, perform the following actions:
In the LDAP server URL field, type the URL of the LDAP server that host the Blackberry device users using the following format:
ldap://computer_name:port, where computer_name is the DNS name of the LDAP server and port is the port number that the LDAP server listens for connections on (by default, port 389)
In the LDAP search base field, type the distinguished name of the search base URL for the area of the directory tree that contains the Blackberry device users.
In the LDAP user name field, type the name of the administrator account that has permissions to log in to and search the LDAP server. You can type the name for the administrator account as the login name, also known as the name of security account manager (for example, besadmin)
In the LDAP password field, type the password for the administrator account that has permissions to login to search the LDAP server.
44. Click Next

45. In the Advanced administration settings dialog box, if you want to use Blackberry Administration Service authentication, perform the follwing actions:
  In the New password field, type a password for the Blackberry Administration Service administrator account.
In the Confirm password field, retype the password.
46. Click Next
47. In the Start Services dialog box, click Start Services.
48. Click Next. If you installed the Blackberry Administration Service, the setup application waits until the Blackberry Administration Service services are running before the setup application continues.
49. In the Console addresses dialog box, copy the web addresses for the Blackberry Enterprise Server components and paste them into a document for future reference. You can use the web addresses to log in to the Blackberry Enterprise Server components that you installed.
50. Click Close

Congratulations, you have completed this task!

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