Monday, 14 January 2013

How to determine if my Windows 7 is 32-bit or 64-bit

You can use one of the method mentioned below to determine whether your Windows 7 is 32-bit or 64-bit

Method 1

1. Right Click on "Computer"
2. Properties
3. A windows opens where it mentions 32 or 64 bit
4. If nothing is mentioned, most of the time it's a 32-bit version

Method 2

1. Click the Start button
2. Control Panel
3. System
4. Maintenance
5. System
6. Under system tab you can find the type of the system: 32 or 64 bit

Method 3

1. Go to C:\
2. The presence of this folder shows that it is a 64 bit system
3. C:\Program Files(x86)

Method 4

1. Open Command Prompt
2. Type the below command
wmic os get osarchitecture
3. It will return the output as below 

Method 5

1. Open Command Prompt
2. Type the below command for a quick output
echo %Processor_Architecture%
3. It will return the output as below for 64-bit

Method 6

1. Open Command Prompt
2. Type the below command
SystemInfo | "System Type"
3. It will return the output as below for 64-bit
System Type: x64-based PC

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